Company Title    AR FILTRAZIONI
Via Dell’Industria, 59/61 – 24126 Bergamo (BG)
Phone: 035 533822 – Fax: 035 533824
Website: www.arfiltrazioni.it – Mail: commerce@arfiltrazioni.it
Pad  – stand 
  Commodity Sectors   18.00 – working-environment cleaning systems
72.00 – electrical and electronic equipment for machine tools
83.00 – safety, environment and depuration
87.00 – machines for industrial cleaning
88.00 – systems and components for water treatment and depuration
89.00 – exhaust and filtration systems
  Company Profile   24 years of activity in a production plant owned by 5500 sqm, where 30 people work. AR FILTRAZIONI’s mission is to make the machine tool ecological and non-polluting, designing and building plants technologically attentive and oriented to the “Green”, in continuous evolution.
  Products and/or Service dealed  
Design and production of oil mist scrubbers, fumes, dusts (12 product standard series) for the collection and purification of any air pollutant generated by the machining of machine tools. New generation, completely “Made in Italy”. 21000 plants installed all over the world, with the following distinctive features: great reliability and safety at work, excellent quality/price ratio, total adaptation and compliance with the most stringent safety regulations, energy saving, fast and easy maintenance with additional zero hours/man.
  Exhibited Products   Set Arno – Set Eco

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