


   Company Title   AIPND – Associazione Italiana prove non Distruttive Monitoraggio Diagnostica
Via Arnaldo Foresti, 5 – 25127 Brescia (BS)
Phone: 030 3739171 – Fax: 030 3739176
Website: www.aipnd.it – Mail: segreteria@aipnd.it
Pad. 8  – stand I6



  Commodity Sectors


105.00 – services for the company
106.00 – services for the production
150.00 – publishing
151.00 – technical journals
160.00 – associations
  Company Profile  AIPnD is a nonprofit corporation with scientific, cultural and professional aim founded in 1979 as one of the first associations in NDT field and it numbers among its Members more than 1.000 organizations: local and national Institutions, Research Centers, Professional Schools and Practices and Companies producing and selling NDT equipment.
  Products and/or Service dealed  

AIPnD promotes and organizes national and international Conferences in Italy and abroad, in addition to training and practical Courses and Meetings dealing with specific topics of interest. NDT technicians and researchers can rely on AIPnD publications and events for up-to-date information about NDT technology.

  Exhibited Products

AIPnD edits different publications, designed to serve the NDT field; in particular, the “Giornale delle Prove non Distruttive”, Conferences and Congresses Proceedings, training and educational Aid and Issues. Moreover, it is involved in advertising and distributing training and scientific documents issued by other foreign Societies.


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